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✏️ CAL Examples

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Expected Return, E(rC)E(r_C)
E(rC)=rF+y(E(rP)rF)E(r_C) = r_F + y (E(r_P)-r_F)
E(rC)=yE(rP)+(1y)rFE(r_C) = y E(r_P) + (1-y) r_F
= .04 + .50*(.12-.04) = .08 or 8%
= (.12 * .50) + (.04 * .50) = 8%
Standard Deviation of Complete Port, σcσ_c
σc=yσpσ_c = y σ_p
= .20 * .50 = .10 or 10%
Variance, VarVar
Var=σ2Var = σ^2 = σ^2
Var = 12%^2 = .0144
Standard Deviation, σσ
σ=Var=Var12σ = \sqrt{Var} = Var^{\frac{1}{2}}
σ = .0144^.5 = 12%
Risk Premium
Risk Premium =E(rC)rF= E(r_C)-r_F
= 12% - 2% = 10%
Sharpe Ratio, SS
S=E(r)rFσS = \frac{E(r)-r_F}{σ}
= (.12-.04)/.20 = (8/20) = .40
Equation for CAL
E(rC)=rF+E(rP)rFσPσCE(r_C) = r_F + \frac{E(r_P) - r_F}{σ_P}σ_C
Sharpe ratio = .8
E(r_C) = r_F + Sσ_C = 2% + .8 * 15% = 14%

rFr_F = Return of Risk Free Assets

rPr_P = Return of Portfolio of Risky Assets

rCr_C = Return of Complete Portfolio

E(rP)/E(rC)E(r_P) / E(r_C) = Expected Return of Risky/Complete Portfolio

Occasionally I use ErP/ErCEr_P/Er_C as shorthand for E(rP)/E(rC)E(r_P)/E(r_C)

yy = % of Portfolio in Risky Assets

1y1-y = % in Risk-Free Assets

σ/σP/σCσ/σ_P/σ_C = Standard Deviation

SS = Sharpe Ratio

Variance = Standard Deviation^2

Standard Deviation = SQRT of Variance

✏️ You manage the following risky portfolio:

rf=3%r_f = 3\%

A client walks in and says that they only want a sd=5%sd = 5\%. What percentage of their assets should be in the risky portfolio?

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  1. Equation → σc=y×σpσ_c = y × σ_p a. We want yy, so we need a formula with yy in it. We can’t use Erc=rF+y×(ErPrF)E_{rc} = rF + y × (ErP-rF) because we don’t know yy or ErcE_{rc}. However, we can use σc=σp×yσ_c = σ_p × y because we know both risk levels.
  2. Plug 🔌 → 5%=11.10%×y5\% = 11.10\% × y
  3. Solve 🚂 → y=5%11.10%=45.045%y = \frac{5\%}{11.10\%} = 45.045\%
  4. 🧠 → This client will invest 45% of their net worth in risk assets. ✅

✏️ You manage the following risky portfolio:

rf=3%r_f = 3\%

A client walks in and says that they only want a Erc=12%Er_c = 12\%. What percentage of their assets should be in the risky portfolio?

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We approach this by finding an equation and plugging numbers into it, then solving for y. This approach is a key tool for solving questions like this. It is often called “Plug and Chug,” because all you have to do is plug numbers into an equation and chug through a little algebra until you get the answer. Click the “help” link below for details.

Plug and chug: (help)
  1. Equation:
    Erc=rF+y(ErPrF)Er_c = r_F + y (Er_P - r_F)
  2. Plug:🔌
    12%=3%+y(7.543%3%)12\% = 3\% + y (7.543\% - 3\%)
  3. Solve: 🚂
    12%=3%+y(7.543%3%)12\% = 3\% + y (7.543\% - 3\%)
    y=9%4.543%=198.107%y= \frac{9\%}{4.543\%}=198.107\%
  4. Reflect: 🧠
    This client will invest 198% of their net worth in risk assets.

To achieve these returns, the client would have to invest 198.107% of their assets in your portfolio. It is unlikely that they would be able to borrow this much money at anything near rFr_F, so this target is likely unrealistic. You may have to guide them toward more realistic goals.

… However, if they could borrow y=198.107%y=198.107\% of their assets at the risk free rate, and did so, their final expected return would be

E(rC)=rF+y(E(rP)rF)=3%+198.107%(7.543%3%)=12.00%    \begin{aligned} E(r_C) &= r_F + y (E(r_P)-r_F)\\ &= 3\% + 198.107\% (7.543\%-3\%) \\ &= 12.00\% \;\;\text{✅} \end{aligned}

✏️ Suppose that 50% of your complete portfolio is in risky assets and 50% of your risky assets are equities. What percent of your money is invested in equities?

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Half of your money is in risk assets and half of that is in equities, so you have 50%×50%=25%50\% × 50\%=25\% in equities.
In general:
% of complete portfolio in equities = % in risk asset ×× weight of equities in risk assets. ✅

✏️ Suppose that 80% of your complete portfolio is in risky assets and that 60% of your risky assets are equities. What percent of your money is invested in equities?

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60% of 80% =60%×80%=48%= 60\% × 80\%=48\% ✅