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πŸ”Ž Where did our two formulas come from?

Click/tap for Lecture 1 Formulas
Expected Return, E(rC)E(r_C)
E(rC)=rF+y(E(rP)βˆ’rF)E(r_C) = r_F + y (E(r_P)-r_F)
E(rC)=yE(rP)+(1βˆ’y)rFE(r_C) = y E(r_P) + (1-y) r_F
= .04 + .50*(.12-.04) = .08 or 8%
= (.12 * .50) + (.04 * .50) = 8%
Standard Deviation of Complete Port, σcσ_c
σc=yσpσ_c = y σ_p
= .20 * .50 = .10 or 10%
Variance, VarVar
Var=Οƒ2Var = Οƒ^2 = Οƒ^2
Var = 12%^2 = .0144
Standard Deviation, σσ
Οƒ=Var=Var12Οƒ = \sqrt{Var} = Var^{\frac{1}{2}}
Οƒ = .0144^.5 = 12%
Risk Premium
Risk Premium =E(rC)βˆ’rF= E(r_C)-r_F
= 12% - 2% = 10%
Sharpe Ratio, SS
S=E(r)βˆ’rFΟƒS = \frac{E(r)-r_F}{Οƒ}
= (.12-.04)/.20 = (8/20) = .40
Equation for CAL
E(rC)=rF+E(rP)βˆ’rFΟƒPΟƒCE(r_C) = r_F + \frac{E(r_P) - r_F}{Οƒ_P}Οƒ_C
Sharpe ratio = .8
E(r_C) = r_F + Sσ_C = 2% + .8 * 15% = 14%

rFr_F = Return of Risk Free Assets

rPr_P = Return of Portfolio of Risky Assets

rCr_C = Return of Complete Portfolio

E(rP)/E(rC)E(r_P) / E(r_C) = Expected Return of Risky/Complete Portfolio

Occasionally I use ErP/ErCEr_P/Er_C as shorthand for E(rP)/E(rC)E(r_P)/E(r_C)

yy = % of Portfolio in Risky Assets

1βˆ’y1-y = % in Risk-Free Assets

σ/σP/σCσ/σ_P/σ_C = Standard Deviation

SS = Sharpe Ratio

Variance = Standard Deviation^2

Standard Deviation = SQRT of Variance

The two most-important formulas from this week tell us how our expected return and standard deviation are based on the percentage of our wealth we allocate to the risky asset (we invest the rest in risk-free assets).

E(rC)=rF+y(E(rP)βˆ’rF)E(r_C) = r_{F} + y (E(r_P) - r_F) ΟƒC=yΟƒPΟƒ_C = {y Οƒ}_{P}

Where do they come from?

Expected Return

Well, a basic principle of finance is that if you split your money between two assets, your complete return is a weighted average of the returns of the two assets:

rC=yrP+(1βˆ’y)Γ—rFr_C = yr_P + (1-y) Γ— r_F

An example might help.

✏️ Suppose you are investing in two stocks. x=70%x=70\% of your money is in an asset earning r1=3%r_1 =3\% and the remainder, (1βˆ’70%)=30%(1-70\%)=30\% is in an asset earning r2=12%r_2 = 12\%. What is your total return?

βœ” Click here to view answer r=xr1+(1βˆ’x)Γ—r2=70%Γ—3%+(1βˆ’70%)Γ—12%=5.7%r = xr_1 + (1-x) Γ— r_2 = 70\% Γ— 3\% + (1-70\%) Γ— 12\% = 5.7\%

Based on the above formula, we can use β€œa powerful mathematical result” and some algebra to get:

E(rC)=yΓ—E(rP)+(1βˆ’y)Γ—rFE(r_C) = y Γ— E(r_P) + (1-y) Γ— r_F

This looks similar to the formula we started with, right? With a bit more algebra, we get

E(rC)=rF+y[E(rP)βˆ’rF]E(r_C) = r_F + y [E(r_P)-r_F]

Standard Deviation

For variance, we do the same thing. We go back to:

rC=yrP+(1βˆ’y)Γ—rFr_C = yr_P + (1-y) Γ— r_F

… and we apply a formula we will see a couple of times:

Var(aX+bY)=a2Γ—Var(X)+b2Γ—Var(Y)Var(aX + bY) = a^2 Γ— Var(X) + b^2 Γ— Var(Y)

With a bit of algebra, we get our formula for variance:

Var(rC)=y2Γ—Var(rP)Var(r_C) = y_2 Γ— Var(r_P)

But we want standard deviation, so we take the square root of both sides:

ΟƒC=yΓ—ΟƒP\colorbox{#FFD300}{\textcolor{black}{$Οƒ_C = y Γ— Οƒ_P$}}

What was the math this all was relying on?

The math used in the background is a type of math from probability called β€œrandom variables.” Whenever you have a quantity, such as a return or price that you can’t predict, you can think of it as a random variable. If you do,

E(aX+bY)=aE(X)+bE(Y)E(aX + bY) = aE(X) + bE(Y)

Var(aX+bY)=a2Var(X)+b2Var(Y)+2abCov(X,Y)Var(aX + bY) = a^2Var(X) + b^2Var(Y) + 2abCov(X,Y)

Var(aX+bY)=a2Var(X)+b2Var(Y)+2ab(ΟƒxΟƒyρx,y)Var(aX + bY) = a^2Var(X) + b^2Var(Y) + 2ab\left(Οƒ_xΟƒ_yρ_{x,y}\right)

These are important equations, so of course we would apply the mathematics of random variables to analyze finance and gain insights into optimal portfolio composition and diversification.